Black Bean & Garlic Spare ribs
ITs that time again folks.Simple yet DELICIOUS way to make steamed pig.
o Spare ribs from your local asian/market
o Jar of "black bean & garlic" sauce
o Teaspoon full of sugar
o Ginger
What you'll need to cook with:
o Bowl to put the marinaded meat in
o A steel stand (to raise the bowl)
o A deep pot or pan with a lid
o Water
o Sharp knife
How to do it:
Cut it up so they become small individual pieces, usually between the bones.
Next I used a plastic bag to put everything in, chopped ginger, teaspoon of sugar, and the blackbean&garlic sauce (the amount varies w/ the amount of meat you have, I used three scoops). This stuff is really salty so make sure you have the right amount of sugar and ginger to offset this. :)
Mix it up well and let it sit in the bag for however much time you have to marinade with.
Fill the pot/pan with water, high enough so it almost reaches the stand. The trick is you're trying to steam the pork so it will become very juicy and tender. I used medium-high heat and steamed it for over an hour. Serve over rice and enjoy!
Should look a little like this when you're done ;) courtesy of
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