
Well...these past few days have been horrible. The heat has finally disappeared. Got my first interview in a while next Tuesday. I kinda hope I don't get it since I'm not really into tech sales...but if I do then whatever I need to save money again.
Did a Skype conference call with Jackie and Tatsu, that was pretty fun, I wonder how many people it can link up with...hmmm.
The new Safeway they opened downtown is pretty...pretty. They call it "The Market" so I'm thinking it's a subsidiary or something of that sort. The place is kind of cramp but they offer free samples like Costco, have their own deli/sushi bar inside which is pretty awesome. I bought a roll of bread and they had this really neat bread slicer in which you can choose the thickness of the slices. I ate it all with the spinach dip I bought, so good *drools*.
Tried to learn a Babyface song on the guitar and failed miserably. I can't finger pick for shit. Might as well pick my damn nose.
Masaru's going to buy a Macbook today, hope he gets it so he can stop getting viruses and malware from browsing stupid pron sites. G'day everyone. :)
don't pick your nose. it doesn't make as pretty noises as the guitar.
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