

So... Been a while since I've written.

I'm so prone to injury it's not even funny. Messed up my wrist doing skull crushers. Messed up my foot from jogging. Now I have lower abdomen pains. Nice right? Wrong!! fuck!#@$%

On the bright side, room's cleaner, girlfriend's still here, and finally settled things with unemployment checks.

Helped the gf move out, (sort of due to shitty injuries). Fun experience overall I would say. Broham coming back soon, hope he can move in so we can have a quest of ultimate fun.

I've been watching anime, reading manga, wasting time on craigslist, and web browsing what a dull life I say. 

Going to watch UP on Tuesday, should be a doozy! Until next time ladies and gents.


Tatsu | May 31, 2009 at 7:14 PM

Lemme know how UP! is...don't think they gona release it here...

Ippo & Dempsey rolls ftmfw

112 days left (I counted em lol)

Jamie | May 31, 2009 at 7:23 PM

lol I heard it's crazy good. I'll tell you how it really is when I see it